Thursday, February 3, 2011

Re-QUEST-IN-G Per-MISSION for take-off ...

To be-gin, ... i found this today:

... here it is again in slow motion:

... and here again, stabilized:

i was th-in-king 'FLY' as a metaphor ))
... but, it is obviously 'MORE than' an artistic expression, 
and, Thank-fully ))

When seeing something like this ... i ask myself, 
how could this be faked ??
... i'm sure it could be !? 
... but, my in-tuit-i-on says, "this is the real deal" ))

Don't 'trust' my opinion, watch it for y-our-self, and feel the vibration.

>>((side note, i am 'co-n-tin-u-ously' re-editing this post, as the puzzle pieces fall into place.  If you have an idea that you believe fits "into" the following idea, please let US k-now, leave a comment, ... so i can update this post.  Many will be attracted to this idea, so as WE re-member OUR divinity, WE will be Ma-King the path easier for those to co-me))

This Post is about expansion, from 'one'/1 (separate) to (Infinity + 'one')/9 (completion = "ONE" = 1 + 9) us-in-g simple addition and ob-serve-able PROOF, that the under-fly-in-g Energy is PERFECTION ... which, if completely 'grasped' (= seen + felt + experienced) can "instantly and permanently" eliminate ALL FEAR = anxiety + worries + stress.

Add-it-I-on = an abacus = (A+B+A)-C-US = from ('one' + to/B + "ONE") + see + YOU + S (= 19 = 1>9 = from 'one' to nine = "ONE"
(A+B+A) = 121 = 11 X 11, or, 11:11
ABBA = 11 X 111 ... fun eh ? -)

The following picture is a graphical "Re-pre-sent-at-i-on" of the idea:

Infinite Creation, from a 'simple' ... lowest "com'mon" den-o-min-at-or ))

To start, the explanation = my j-OUR-ney, has been running around in my head for weeks and has spilled out on facebook and in a Superb-owl post, ... "See-K and yea S-Hall F-in-D" = some extra in-sight found me too ))  The in-form-ation is all over (= its infinity after all)), here are a few of those places: on facebook, in this SuperB-Owl synchronicity post, in this Fibonacci (= spiral math) spread sheet,  in 'zero point' technology, and, of C-OUR-se, WE would find it IN MUS-I-C )). The spread sheet, shows EXACTLY the same thing, i'm showing here (thanks Dario)), ... cool eh ? -)

Ok, i was th-in-king, if the Universe is truly IN-f-IN-it-E ... wouldn't t-here 'HAVE TO BE' a simple way to explain it ??  If, Infinity is "ALL" th-in-gs ?? ... a "simple explanation" would be t-here so-me-w-here ??  So, i started with 1/ON-E and then tried to figure out the "how and why" eVe-ryth-in-g g-rows, and U-sing only add-it-i-on ? -))

... BE-A-R with me, ... i'm over simpli-fly-in-g on pur-Pose ))

One more thing before WE begin ... when i break up words, its to show a deeper 'personal' meaning, an energetic meaning with-IN the words ... if you'd like to under-st-and, each letter is assigned a number value (found on the left side of the diamond), if the value is higher than ONE digit, add the numbers together (please recognize when adding, WE are adding different leVel's to-get-her, not just numbers).  Now, each number will be equal to a '' on the top of OUR diamond.
... for instance:
LOVE = 12+15+22+5 = 54 = 5+4 = leVel  9
      ... or, (3+6)+(4+5) = 9+9 = 18 = leVel  9

Keep in m-in-d, WE're tal-king about infinity, so the number of interpretation possibilities are beyond OUR imag-in-at-i-ons ... so, please see my perspective as only a f-ra-me-work, w-here you can keep what works for YOU, 
... and toss the rest ))

WE stART at the top of the PHIraMID with ONE.  ONE expands into 2 X ONE = leVel 2 = 1/ONE 1/ONE. leVel 3 = a combination 1+1 = 2, and a repeat of leVel 2 = 11 ... so WE have 1-2-1 on leVel 3.  With addition, WE add OUR way to the center of leVel 9 ... as above so below, WE then continue adding to the bottom of the diamond, to reveal the underlying 3-6-9, making everything possible.

L-eVe-L ONE:

All is one = the law of one = DiVine Consciousness = LOVE (= proven in/on leVel 2) = Big Bang  = eVe-ryth-in-g is connected !!
... because, eVe-rything started from the sa-me point = Alpha

L-eVe-L TWO:

Dual-ity = Polar-ity = Positive/negative = Clock-wise/Counter Clock-wise = Love/fear = Harmony/dis-Harmony = Light/d-ark-nes = Soul/Spirit = 
the DiVine Couple = "Father Sun" (= mostly, non-material form and energy = Light = Creative force) & "Mother E-art-h" (= mostly, material form and energy = Gravity & Magnetism = Receptive force)

... Cold/Hot, Cold is the 'favored' Energy, because when WE're Cold, OUR bodies "PH-I-re" UP, OUR 'IN-ner' heat ... and what is PHI (= 1.618339) ??
... Well, WE k-now one side of the duality is favored (ob-serve-able = Verifi-able), Light can create d-ark-ness; but, no amount of d-ark-ness, can create light = Love can create fear (= lack and loss); but, no amount of fear, can create Love = Levity is favored over Gravity; be-cause, life is not 2-dimensional ... which gives US a com-put-able/com-par-able/ob-serve-able ra-ti-o. 
... By ob-SERVE-in-g the 'fav-or-it-is-m' WE can figure out/see/feel, how much Love and Light are favored = the Golden ratio = PHI (= 1.618339) or, phi (= .618339)
... the spiral nature of Love and Light ))

Re-sent We-at-(he-r), provides an excellent example of the spiral nature of Life at play:

... the story, of this PHI-no-men-on can be found here, and, the explanation found "hear" ))
... as in, YOU are "al-ear-dy" t-"here" ))


Three dimensions Length, Width, Height = The TRI-nity = "Father Sun" + "Mother E-art-h" + YOU/me (= WE/US/OUR) = Soul + Spirit + Consciousness = Clock-wise + Counter Clock-wise + NOW  = LOVE + Fear + Peace of Mind = Positive + Negative + Ne-U-t-ra-l = Good Vibrations (= likes) + Bad Vibrations (= dis-likes) + Just Vibrations (= non-Aversions = non-ignorance = paying attention, not ignoring)

... Three, is the natural evolution from a line (= two points) to a TRI-angel (= three points in Harmony, or, a TRI-angle, me-as-u-ring the degrees of separation = dis-Harmony).
... Why do good and bad 'things' come in three; because, t-here are all-ways at least three leVel's of energy at play.
... LeVeL 3 (= 121 = 11 X 11), is the 11:11 PHI-no-men-on =
1/Soul + (1+1) + 1/Spirit =awareness construct = consciousness.

L-eVe-L F-OUR:

F-our directions East, West, North, South = F-our elements Water, Earth, Air, Fire = F-our main energies Fe-mi-nine, Masc-u-line, K-now-ledge, LOVE = 
F-our dimensions Length, Width, height, + Ti-ME.
... when WE have ti-me, combined with elements, WE get things like 'verbs',  motion, currents, weather, material growth and decay.  All of which are illusions, supported by sets/groups of limitations = perspectives 
OUR Universal Construct for EXPERIENCE ))

Five is Hu-Man = five W's (= W = 2+3 = 5 + (ho +hat + hen + here + hy)) = five fingers/Five toes/Five body parts off the trunk/Five w-holes in OUR head/Five senses = Fifth element (= pure Energy = Ether = "ET[he-r]") = 
a gate-way to the fifth dimension = ascension

... 5 W's = question eve-ryth-in-g = 5-5 = focus on the five senses,  
WHY = (5+8)+25 = 13+(5X5) = 13 is lucky th-ir-te-en + 1 (= a de-te-r-mined (= 999-mined) focus on 5 (= 5X5)) = 13+1 = 14 = 1+4 = 5 = Hu-Man
... Five = 6+9+22+5 = 42, ... notice in the bottom half of the diamond, the bottom three leVels total 42 (= a sum), and at the top of the diamond WE have totals of 1,2,4 = 7 = the center of OUR diamond.  Jupiter is 5th planet and 'largest' planet, the p-lane-t of Joy = to be Jovial (= feeling the Love), and Jupiter is represented by this symbol:

... can you see the 1 - 2 -4 in the symbol ?
L-eVe-L SIX:

Six is OUR Sixth sense = 6 degrees of separation (= eve-ryth-in-g is connected = 5+1) = OUR Five senses + 1, experienced only as Vibration = Doubling (2 X 3) OUR co-n-nec-ti-on to l-eVe-l three = 2 X 121 = 242, Jupiter any-one ??
... LeVel six also represents 666 = the number of the beast = Bull Shit !! 
This lie has been perpetrated in order to keep OUR consciousness (= awareness) a-way from the idea of ascension, which only available through understanding OUR sixth sense = leVel 6

Proof =  666 = 3 X 6 = leVel 3 (Vibration) X  leVel 6 (sixth sense) = 18 = 
leVel 8 + leVel 1 = L-eVe-L  9 = completion 

so Hell = only if WE are filled with Fear, in near complete (= 95%) service to OUR-self ... maybe ? -)

ps) ... 
HELL = 8+5+12+12 = 37 = leVel 3 + leVel 7 = 1 = st-u-ck on LeVeL
... service to OUR-self = back to the beginning. 
FEAR = 6+5+1+18 = 11+1 = Not progressing past GO = hell
... WE haven't made a determined enough effort,
to experience sensations as only Vibrations
L-eVe-L S-EVE-N:

Seven days in a week ... 365 / 7 = 52.142857142857142857142857142857
5+2 = 7 ... notice how the repeating decimal fits on the diamond

 S-eVe-n or, S-even is OUR s-eVe-n 'main' Chak-ra-s = OUR activate-able Kundalini 

... when OUR chakra centers are closed/clogged/ignored, 
WE suffer from 'one or more' of the seven deadly sins 
= the NEED to clean out OUR pipes ... ))
with IN-TUIT-I-ON = follow y-OUR excitement/LOVE


Eight is Infinity, turn the eight on its side 
= the kiss be-t-we-en the DiVine Couple (thanks George K.) 
... 88 is considered the luckiest number in Chinese numerology = 64 = Sixty-Four (leVel 6 + leVel 4) = the number of squares on a chess boards =  the number of condons in OUR DNA
... 8+8 = 1+6 = 7 = OUR path-way to center = from leVel 6 + 1, to seVen +1, to eight = 
7, the center of OUR diamond, the center of leVel n-IN-e.

L-eVe-L N-IN-E:

N-IN-E is completion = Infinity ( 8) + 1 = 9 = Omega
N-IN-E = 14+9+14+5 = 42 = Jupiter = Love
or, n-IN-E = 5+(9+14)+5 = 5+(2+3)+5 = 5+5+5 ... = pay attention to leVel 5
5+5+5 = 3 X 5 = Vibrations (leVel 3) X Senses (leVel 5) = 15
15 = 5+1 = leVel 6, OUR sixth sense

It is very interesting to note that when you take any number of digits like 25 AND 32, NOW, you multiply them together in four separate combination's, like this:

25 X 32 = 800
25 X 23 = 575
52 X 23 = 1196
52 X 32 = 1664

Now take a larger sum and subtract a lower sum:

1664-1196 = 468 = 4+6+8 = 18 = 1+8 = 9
1664-575 = 1089 = 1+0+8+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9
1664-800 = 864 = 8+6+4 = 18 = 1+8 = 9
1196-575 = 621 = 6+2+1 = 9
1196-800 = 396 = 3+6+9 = 18= 1+8 = 9
800-575 = 225 = 2+2+5 = 9

Always N-IN-E, it is amazing, and for any two digits ... it is always true!

One last point ... it is said for every Action, t-here is an equal and opposite re-Action.  So, WE began with 1 and progressed to 9 (= 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1) ... what if WE began with 9 ??

... what happens ??

Put a 9 at the top of the diamond 
... leVel 2 = 9-9 
... what is leVel 3 ???

Write it out ... and tell US what you find ))
...  it will 'likely' feel like this:

 But, OUR diamond will be filled with 9's
All 9's ... eVe-ry s-pace a  >>> 9 <<<

... and, what is the meaning of ALL 9's ??

"T-here is NOTHING"
In the entire UniVerse !!!

... OUR Peace of M-in-D !!!

... simply because,
EVE-RY-TH-IN-G in OUR ob-serve-able real-it-y,
has an underlying ENERGY,

of  PERFECT-I-ON = ALL 9's !!!

... in my experience,
i have felt the 'higher' energy ...
when, i'm doing what i love ! -))

In service to others = 
In service of the CREATION !!
What is so 'special' about doing w-hat WE LOVE ??

... Peace of M-in-D ))

... i hope this helps ? -)

a GrebBear

Peace Love Light TRUTH
(- ;
; -)